Caution and Discretion Required
As primaries become older than 8 years of age they are graded on kansetzu waza (armlock techniques) and shime waza (strangulation techniques).
These children must be capable of understanding the danger associated with these techniques before being shown them.
It is NOT appropriate NOR intended that very young children should be shown these techniques.
Please read the important notes at the foot of this page.
Primary Judo Schedule Part 4
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
15 mins 25%
Warm Up
Warm Up
Warm Up
Ukemi Waza
Ukemi Waza
Ukemi Waza
15 mins 25%
Ne Waza
Ne Waza
Ne Waza
Ude Gatame
Nami Juji Jime
Revision and or gradings
Hiza Gatame
Ashi Gatame
Revision and or gradings
30 mins 50%
Tachi Waza
Tachi Waza
Tachi Waza
De Ashi Barai
Tsuri Komi Ashi
De Ashi Barai into
Tsuri Komi Ashi
Ko Soto Gari
Ko Soto Gari
Revision and or gradings
Revision and or gradings
This is a twelve week judo program for primaries. That is, children up to 10 years of age.
This schedule is intended to be run over two nights a week. The timings are shown in minutes or a percenatge of the available time.
Points to note:
Points to note:
- It is not intended that a child will start week one and by week twelve be capable of performing all the techniques and obtaining the grade associated with that level of technique.
- This is a reference and not a rigid timetable.
- Implementation will depend upon the number of children in the class, the number of instructors, the ability of the children and their attendance frequency.
- The order of delivery does not have to be the same as the table. For example, some of the terms could be introduced at the start of the class. In fact, matte should be the first thing that a new member learns and understands.
- Terminology is best taught to children with a context to help understanding.
- It may also be appropriate to repeat sessions or move some students along quicker than others.
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